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Is a Motivated Workforce Worth It?


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

A 5-Part Series

This blog kicks off a 5-part series on the 5 P’s of Operations Management.

  1. People 
  2. Processes 
  3. Products 
  4. Partners
  5. Performance or Profit 

These are the foundational pillars, listed intentionally in this order, that all organizations need to be successful and I don’t believe anyone would argue this. 

However, the importance and the execution of each one is debatable. 

So, the goal over the next 5 blogs is to breakdown each one into actionable steps for you to implement in your business so that you can 10x your profits.

Let’s get started!


Is Nurturing a Motivated Workforce Worth it?

There is a reason why People is #1 on the list of the 5 P’s of Operations Management, it’s the most important.

If you invest time and resources to develop your people then they will…

  • Take ownership of the business
  • Help create an amazing workplace culture
  • Create and run great processes and partnerships
  • Increase the productivity and the profits of your business

So, my answer to this question, "Is nurturing a motivated workforce worth it?", is a resounding yes!


Commonly Asked Questions

In part 1 of this blog series I’m going to answer two of the most commonly asked questions among business leaders in the people category. 

  1. How can businesses motivate their teams?
  2. How can strategies, practices, and initiatives help attract, retain, and motivate employees to perform their best, positively impact the bottom line?

Question #1

How can businesses motivate their teams?

People are the lifeblood of any organization because the owners of business can’t do everything themselves. However, people are often treated poorly and undervalued. 

For example, leaders say things like “everyone is replaceable” and “just do your job and let me lead."

These same leaders don’t spend time developing their people or developing a great culture but expect big results. 

Now, I will say that motivating people is NOT an easy task. But an engaged and motivated workforce is critical and that’s why the most foundational “P” of operations management is, People. 


Here are 3 Ways to Motivate Your Workforce: 

#1 - Prioritize Your Employees. 

Creating a supportive work environment by offering opportunities for input, growth and development, and personal support are all great ways to show your employees you care about them. 

When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. 

Not to mention, it’s the right thing to do because we all need help to be our best for others. 

#2 - Appreciate Your Employees

Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their contributions and achievements not only boosts morale but also reinforces desired behaviors and performance standards. 

For example, make personal connections with your employees in creative and personal ways, give individual & specific monetary rewards, public recognition, or career advancement opportunities.

#3 - Communicate for Clarity 

I write about this a lot. Just because you are talking doesn’t mean you are communicating effectively. 

Employees should have clear expectations of their roles and responsibilities, as well as the organization's goals and vision. 

Open and transparent communication channels enable employees to feel connected to the organization and its mission, which gives everyone a sense of purpose.

This also includes modeling the expectations to others on your team. After all, no one will be willing to listen to what you are saying if you are not doing it yourself. In addition, they will fall in line with the bad examples that are being modeled as well. 



Question #2 

How can strategies, practices, and initiatives help attract, retain, and motivate employees to perform their best, positively impact the bottom line?

Productivity tends to increase when employees are motivated, resulting in higher efficiency and output. 


Here are 2 Ways a Motivated Workforce can Impact the Bottom-line

1. Decreased Opportunity Costs

Employee Retention rates improve when they are supported and valued. 

Especially in today’s economy. It’s hard and everyone is under pressure to produce to keep their job. So, employees are typically under valued, stressed out and, in turn, always looking for a new opportunity.  

But, if you can overcome the "daily grind" to engage your workforce authentically, empathetically and invest in them, then you will reduce your recruitment and training costs. 

In addition, you will decrease the wasted production time of constantly off-boarding and on-boarding employees. 

2. Increase Sales 

Motivated employees often become brand ambassadors, promoting the organization's values and products/services to customers and potential talent.

Not because they have to but because they want to. 

Think about it, what’s one of the main questions that everyone asks each other?

How’s work going? 

The answer to that question has an accumulating effect on the public image of your business and your profit, depending on what they say, how they say it, and how much they say.


The Bottom Line

By investing in the "People" aspect of operations management, organizations can create a workplace culture that values its employees' contributions while also ensuring their overall success. 

This synergy not only enhances the workforce's motivation and engagement but also contributes to the broader goals of operational efficiency and business success.

Remember, the 5 P's of operations management provide a comprehensive framework for organizations to optimize their operations, with the first "P" - People - is the most central to your business' success!



So, if you adopt these strategies…

  • Prioritize Your Employees
  • Appreciate Your Employees
  • Communicate for Clarity

Your business can nurture a motivated workforce that drives productivity, reduces turnover, and elevates the organization's reputation. 

This is why, in the ever-evolving and very competitive business landscape, recognizing and investing in the potential of your workforce remains a cornerstone of operational & relationship excellence.

Enjoy the Process!

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