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What Increases Productivity & Growth for Businesses?


Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Unlocking Productivity Growth Strategies Can be Difficult

We all know that for our economy to thrive then businesses need to thrive, especially small to medium sized businesses. 

So, understanding the factors that contribute to productivity growth in business is essential so that you can grow. 

Productivity growth is not limited to large corporations; it’s also vital for the success of small businesses. In fact, the ability to enhance productivity can be a game-changer for small business owners, enabling them to compete effectively, grow, and achieve sustainable growth. 

If you are struggling to grow your business then I want to help you!

9 Ways to Increase Productivity for your Business

In this blog post, I’m going to give you 9 ways to boost productivity and grow your business in a very competitive economy. 

  1. Don’t Let Your Calendar Manage You
  2. Get a Plan that Works
  3. Replicate Yourself
  4. Get the Right Tech
  5. Be Creative with Operations
  6. Communicate for Clarity
  7. Empower Your Team
  8. Give your Clients Something to Talk About
  9. Refine & Repeat the Process

#1 Don’t Let Your Calendar Manage You

Time is a precious resource for any business but especially for small businesses. 

So, if your team is not prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, and using time-tracking tools to identify areas where time is being wasted then your business is wasting valuable time and opportunity to grow. 

Time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking to keep people energized, engaged and productive.

Also, allow your people to own their calendars. 

In other words, give them the ability to turn down meetings if they are not clear on how they will be productive outside of their direct supervisor. However, leaders need to be really good at this to ensure that they are not contributing to the problem as well.  

#2 Get a Plan that Works

All businesses have plans but most don’t have plans that are actually used or that even work.

Some don’t like planning just doing. However, as I’ve referenced Benjamin Franklin before...

“If you are not planning, you are planning to fail.”

Establishing clear and standardized processes and workflows are essential for businesses. It ensures that tasks are completed consistently and efficiently. Documenting procedures, creating checklists, and using project management tools can help streamline operations and reduce errors.

Stop wasting time discussing so many options and possibilities that don’t align with your mission and vision of the company.

Get organized with a plan that will keep everyone on track and that will work!


#4 Get the Right Tech

Embracing technology is paramount for businesses seeking to enhance productivity. 

There are so many automation tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, accounting software, and inventory management systems, that can streamline processes, reduce manual work, and free up valuable time and resources.

However, tech can also be a trap. 

If you get distracted by the bells and whistles of a system but don’t start with the problem you are trying to solve or ensure that the enhancement you are trying to make aligns with the company's plan, then you need to take the necessary time to clarify before you move forward. 

Tech is typically not an easy set up and you can frustrate a lot of people if you move forward too fast or in an unnecessary way. 

Believe me, I know because I have been there.


#3 Replicate Yourself

A well-trained workforce is invaluable because you can’t clone yourself. Not yet anyways. Ok, let’s not go there right now. 

So, providing ongoing training and development opportunities not only enhances employee skills but also makes them more engaged and motivated. This can lead to increased productivity, improved customer service, and better overall performance.

And, if you do this right then your vision for the company will be passed on to your team and they will start to take ownership of the company almost like you.  Especially, if there are monetary and personal development incentives.

This is my favorite 10x strategy for businesses because it’s such a win-win situation. It’s also, in my opinion, the fastest way to grow your business exponentially.

However, this is easier said than done. So, if you need help let me know.


#5 Be Creative with Operations

Outsourcing can reduce overhead costs and improve overall efficiency.

However, this can be tricky as well. 

After all, it’s really hard to trust a 1099 employee more than a w-2 employee. But, if you can find them, and they are out there, then you can drastically increase your bottom line because you are saving money while you grow. Which leads to exponential profit. 

Open your mind to part-time and full-time 1099 employees until you can get to a place of sustainability. This helps you stay nimble and flexible as you get set on an economic growth pattern. Plus, you don’t disrupt people's lives so much if you have to make changes because they already have another contract or two going or in the pipeline. 

Once your business becomes sustainable then you can determine if adding full time W-2 employees is the best option or not. 

This is not the right strategy for everyone but it is for many so at least explore the possibilities for at least a season.


#6 Communicate for Clarity

Notice the word “effective” in front of communication. 

Do you know why this is important?

Everyone communicates but not always clearly, which is not effective. 

Clear and open communication within your business is vital for productivity because confusion can paralyze your team’s creativity and productivity. 

Your team will have to ask more questions and have more meetings to clarify what is expected. So, work hard to clarify what you mean and ask great questions and really listen. 

Once everyone is on the same page then repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat….

I hope you get the point here. Most people need to hear something at least 6 times before they really understand. 

For example, regular team meetings, feedback sessions, and the use of collaboration tools can help employees get the message efficiently. 

When companies get this right, effective communication also fosters a positive work environment, which can boost morale and productivity.

So, communicate for clarity and you will communicate effectively and grow your business.


#7 Empower Your Team

People want to work somewhere that empowers them and doesn’t take advantage of them. 

Before I go any further, I understand that people are hired to do a job and they must be productive to do their job.

However, if you focus more on the output vs. the time it takes to complete a task or goal then people will feel empowered, not trapped in the company.

For example, offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can be a productivity booster. It allows employees to better balance their work and personal lives, reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction. Productivity often flourishes when employees have control over their work schedules.

This example doesn’t work for everyone but maybe when team members go above and beyond for the day in a short period of time then maybe they earn the right to leave earlier. This does take a really good accountability and tracking system to ensure the overall goals are going to be met on time as well, not just the daily goals. 

Or, if they become a high achiever then they earn the right to sit on an advisory council that helps plan the future of the department or the company.

There are a lot of opportunities here. Be creative and have fun watching your productivity soar when you do this well. 


#8 Give your Clients Something to Talk About

Do you want to increase your sales? 

Who doesn’t, right!?

There are a lot of ways to try and do this too, most of which are very expensive. 

However, the lowest hanging fruit is to be amazing at what you do. 

I mean over the top amazing. 

Because once you do this you automatically enact the most powerful form of marketing and advertising, word of mouth.

There is a reason why affiliate and direct sales marketing is soaring right now. Because people want to hear and buy from actual users and other raving fans. Check into it.

This is where customer relationship management (CRM) software comes in. Track interactions, personalize communication, and provide exceptional service. Then you will know exactly how to repeat this process as you grow your business and your sales team. 


#9 Refine & Repeat the Process

Ok, so now you have things moving forward and your business is growing!

What do you do now?

Well, you certainly need to recognize those that have made this possible and celebrate milestones. 

However, the next thing companies need to do is to start a new planning cycle. Whether you work off a calendar year or a fiscal year then reboot the plan and hit it running on the first of the year.

Productivity-enhancing strategies should not be static, they should be active and on-going.  

Regularly review processes, assess effectiveness, and be willing to adapt and improve. Ask for feedback from employees and your clients/customers to identify areas of improvement.

Remember this quote from Mikhail Gorbachev, 

“If you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards.”


There is Hope

If you are struggling to increase your productivity and grow you company what you need to know is that productivity growth is attainable for small businesses when the right strategies, like these, are in place. 

  1. Don’t Let Your Calendar Manage You
  2. Get a Plan that Works
  3. Replicate Yourself
  4. Get the Right Tech
  5. Be Creative with Operations
  6. Communicate for Clarity
  7. Empower Your Team
  8. Give your Clients Something to Talk About
  9. Refine & Repeat the Process

Also, the businesses that fail are the ones that simply ignore working on the business because of the craziness of fulfilling the orders and services. I understand that this is the ultimate goal but if you don’t have a strong foundation then soon you will not be able to serve your customers or clients anymore. 

Instead, the small business owners that fight for the necessary time to create a foundation for long-term success, will grow!

Remember that productivity improvements take time, so be patient, persistent and don’t get discouraged. Stay consistent, work smart, work hard, and most likely you will win!

Enjoy the Process!

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