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How is Your Business'​ Power Source?

Voltage Monitor - Thomas Kelley - Unsplash

Photo Credit: Thomas Kelley; Unsplash

Machines need a certain level of consistent power to run effectively.

If the power source weakens the performance drops. If the power source fails the performance stops.

Types of Power Sources

Machines run on either electricity, petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass, geothermal, water, sun, or wind.

That's it, if it runs out then you have two choices.

  1. Get more
  2. Get a different source

No amount of excuses, concerns or even desire can change the situation when the power source fails.

Business Application

This truth can also be applied to businesses but two questions have to be answered first:

  1. What is your "power source?" Meaning, are you enabled to do business?
  2. How do you protect your "power source?" In other words, how do you ensure that it will not run out?

I believe that your power source is your people, period.

I think you will agree that no matter how much automation you have in your business there are still people behind it.

No people, No power.

Prioritize your "Power Source"

Next, you need to really understand how to build and keep your "power source." Unfortunately this question is not as intuitive for businesses and leaders. In fact, most fail in this area.

The good news is, the fix is an easy one. Prioritize your people. However, the process is not always an easy one.


Here are a few factors:

  • Lack of structure causing busyness
  • An unclear vision, mission and/or plan causing confusion
  • No employee development plan causing frustration

The next question is "How" do you protect your "power source?"

#1 Planning

Many people think improvement plans have to take a lot of time and effort to develop.

While all types of planning are unique to each business, they don't have to be labor some, complicated or boring.

You don't have to be perfect to show care and intentionality to your employees in the area of planning. Just getting started and being consistent brings hope and builds trust.

So, start with a simple framework then communicate it with empathy and respect.

#2 Communication

Effective communication comes after a simple and effective plan is completed.

However, most communication is in-effective and can "kill" a plan before it gets a chance to "live!"

There are a lot of great ways to communicate effectively across your business.

But, there are three absolutes to make any communication system and plan work:

  1. Commitment
  2. Consistency
  3. Accountability

If you don't have complete "buy in" from everyone from the top to the bottom of the organizational chart your plan will fail.

Simple Tips with Big Results

In my opinion, the key is creating a culture of "ownership" that expects and rewards productivity not just activity.

Here are a few ways to get started:

  • Benchmark: Pull 3-15 important data points together into a "dashboard" for all to understand what makes the business operate effectively.
  • Set Goals: Empower your teams to understand the big picture goals for the company to grow and allow the teams to set their own goals to hit them.
  • Make Commitments: Every week each person should meet with their team to establish one problem and its solution that the plan reveals. Then make one commitment outside of their regular duties to "close the gap" between the stated problem and solution.
  • Be Accountable: Set the tone for everyone around you, especially the executive leadership, that if a commitment is not kept then you will "own" it by doing two commitments the next week and submit to correction.
  • Celebrate: When teams hit their goals, be creative in your meetings and organization to call appropriate attention to the goal that was met. By appreciating the commitment and achievement your business will build unstoppable momentum.

Great News

I believe that once you master this process then you will see steady and sustainable productivity from your "power source," your people.

In addition, you will create an attractive work environment that will only grow stronger each year.

Grow more. Risk Less


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