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What's your top 5%?


Photo Credit: Brett Jordan; Unsplash

The Parkinson's Principle says: Work expands to fill the available time.

Have you noticed this in your own life? I know I have!

Time vs. Productivity

Would you rather work more with average results or work less time with more results?

Too simple of a question?

Well, unfortunately even though everyone would agree that they would like to work less and get more results their actions don't reflect this belief.


Because the Parkinson's Principle is true.

When we have more discretionary time our human nature will always want to "let off the gas" and coast throughout our day.

In turn we typically do more "busy work" or even too much socializing and produce less, among a myriad of other things that zap the life out of us.

What's the Solution?

The simple answer is to establish a purpose and goal in everything you do.

If we don't do this then we will "drift" through life and not accomplish much. In addition, we will get board and get disinterested with life and work.

Let's get Practical

If you are still reading then I assume that you want you want to see change either personally or in your business.

So, here is your next step.

Determine your top 5%.

Here's what I mean...

Typically every person can either automate, delegate or eliminate about 95% of their daily activities.

However, there are about 5% of your daily activities that only YOU can do and should be the one to do them.

These are things that should be prioritized above all else each day.

In other words, these are the things that if you don't take the time to do them yourself then your life will start to deteriorate or even self destruct.

Here are some examples:

  • High Stress
  • Strong Mood Swings
  • Missed Meetings
  • Frustration
  • Job Loss
  • Damaged Relationships
  • Boredom

Sound serious? Well, it is!

We are meant to live with purpose and to invest in and cultivate the life and world we live in, not just consume it.

If we "drift" through life aimlessly and only consume it then eventually we will self destruct in one way or another.

Determining your Top 5%

Now it's time to determine your top 5% and start making tough but good decisions about what you do every day.

I believe that the most important daily activities that only YOU can do can be boiled down into five categories.

Stephen R. Covey calls them the "Big Rocks" of your life.

  1. Belief System - Who or what do you place your hope and faith in to give your life purpose?
  2. Self-Care - What do you need to do to care for your mental and physical Health so that you can do the things that bring purpose to your life?
  3. Relationships - Who are your favorite people or who is your greatest responsibility to help nurture to a successful life?
  4. Personal Finances - How do you need to manage your money to be able to do what you feel led to do?
  5. Work - What do you need to do, to not only keep your job, but excel in your job so that you have the personal finances to do what you are led to do?

The Results

If you organize your day according to these categories then you will have a life with...

  • Purpose
  • Less Stress
  • More Time & Money Margin
  • Responsibility
  • More Mental & Physical Rest
  • Meaningful relationships

Don't settle for a meaningless, less productive and boring life.

Instead, live a life of purpose, produce more energy and be more productive!

Grow more. Risk Less


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